Lt. Commander Nicole Wesley

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I'm rover and you are in my corner, in my world. You don't even have to look around much to see what's going on here.
Yeah, it's a fanfiction page made around one, single novel written by me.
It's not just about two women in love, it's a little more than that. You can find out why by clicking on the What's this button. However, there're two women in love in my world. So, if it's not your cup of raktajino, then leave now. I won't be offended, I promise. If you're still with me then feel free to look around and enjoy your time here.

For a more official disclaimer, please click here or the Disclaimer button.

If you are happened to be a hungarian or you know the language check out the hungarian version of my site.
If you can't speak in hungarian then you'll probably have to be very patient because even if I'm very enthusiastic and I'm practically in love with english and with this project of mine, I have very little time for translating. So it will take a while but I'm into it with all my heart.

Yeah, and feedback is very much appreciated especially if it's not a short, few worded opinion. :) Now, I'll shut up and you can just look around.

May the Prophets walk with you...

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Captain Kira Nerys

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